Team training and capacity building

When the group is aligned to a goal or approach, it is important that a common understanding and climate of commonality – a team – is created. Teamwork is not just about the exchange of technical information, it is also a social process of group formation. Therefore, the communication of a team will rarely be a one-way street. This brings further advantages: whoever works with teams can also use the experience of the team members to further improve concepts or workflows in an organization.

Successful teams are characterized by some remarkable behaviors. They:

  • share the responsibility for a task. Team members jump in or help out where an individual would struggle with a challenge;
  • go to work confidently and in a solution-oriented way. Problems or setbacks are regarded as a task to be solved;
  • have an intensive communication about the common task, and an increased trust in their partners in the team. A successful team does not seek guilty parties, but rather works on solutions in a focused and constructive way.

As a result, good teams achieve impressive results even under difficult working conditions.

How to build successful teams? It may sound amazing, but it depends only partly on the choice of people. Good teams can be formed from a lot of like-minded or different characters, as long as the necessary expertise is available for the team. For success, the social process of group formation and the processes in which the team can work in the project, internal communication and decision-making processes, are very important. In the process of team building, some social competencies will also emerge: for example, the ability to solve conflicts constructively, to focus methodically on objectives and results, and to communicate clearly and in a timely manner.

We can help you build a successful team by training important social skills with the team and helping your team develop effective structures and processes for their collaboration.

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